lines starting with + indicate books that i've finished + kernighan, richtie - the c programming language + klabnik, nichols - the rust programming language + lantz, cawrey - mastering blockchain + antonopoulos, wood - mastering ethereum + azeria - blue fox arm assembly - tanenbaum - modern operating systems V - graham, knuth, patashnik - concrete mathematics - clrs - intro to algorithms - ward - how linux works - stinson, paterson - cryptography theory and practice - kernighan - the go programming language - blake, seroussi, smart - elliptic curves in cryptography - karbowski - podstawy kryptografii ("basics of cryptography") - rutkowski - algebra abstrakcyjna w zadaniach ("exercises in abstract algebra") - sites - understanding software dynamics - aho, lam, sethi, ullman - compilers dragon book - stroustrup - a tour of c++ - preschern - fluent c - hilpisch - financial theory in python (this book is kinda bad) - szczerbowski - lex cryptographia - knr c BUT its a 1987 polish edition i stole from my unis book swap - ers - the art of unix programming - friedl - regular expressions - lamb, robbins - the vi editor - van hoey - beginning x64 assembly programming - geron - hands on machine learning with scikit-learn, ... - andrist, sehr - c++ high performance